Citizen Journalism: Someone is Always Watching

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The rise of the internet and smart devices has made big changes to how we get our news. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become the main sources of information but what makes them special is citizen/user-fed information or citizen journalism.

Citizen journalism refers to the practice of ordinary people, rather than professional journalists, creating and distributing news content. With the advent of the internet and social media, it has become easier for people to report on events and share their perspectives with a wide audience.

What makes someone a citizen journalist?


—not participating—at the scene of a community event.


from letting personal views or opinions change the angle of the information.


legally obtained information in a public space, just like a professional journalist.


that information with their community or with a news organization (Patel, 2022)

One of the main drivers of the rise of citizen journalism is the democratization of access to information and communication technology. With the widespread availability of smartphones and social media platforms, anyone with an internet connection can capture and share news content in real time. Citizen journalism vastly growing in popularity along with the continuous advancements of social media struck the acknowledgment and understanding of having to embrace and incorporate citizen journalism in mainstream news broadcasters. This is to maintain strength with the unstoppable online competition and retain audience figures (Estelle, 2022)This has led to a proliferation of user-generated content on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Citizen journalism has also been fueled by a growing distrust of traditional news sources, which many people see as biased or untrustworthy. By contrast, citizen journalists often have a more personal and authentic perspective on events, and they are often able to capture footage and details that may be overlooked by mainstream media outlets.

While citizen journalism has the potential to bring important stories to light and hold those in power accountable, it also comes with its own set of challenges. For one, citizen journalists often lack the resources, training, and editorial oversight that professional journalists have, which can lead to inaccuracies and misinformation. Additionally, citizen journalists may be more vulnerable to harassment and intimidation, particularly in countries where press freedom is restricted.

Overall, the rise of citizen journalism represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the media industry. While it may disrupt traditional news models, it also has the potential to create a more diverse and democratic media landscape.

Estelle, I. (2022, January 14). The Impact of Citizen Journalism Across Media Platforms.

Patel, S. (2022, November 29). Citizen Journalism and Political Protests. SYR-UMT.


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