New Media Communications & Aviation Industry

Technology has had a significant impact on the work of communicators in the avionics industry. Warnings about aviation’s shrinking cultural footprint come with an important caveat: the youngest generations are increasingly ditching traditional media channels in favor of social media(NBAA, 2020). The following are some ways in which technology has changed the way communicators work in this industry:

  1. Real-time communication: Advances in communication technology have made it easier for communicators in the avionics industry to communicate in real-time with team members and stakeholders. This has increased the speed of communication and allowed for faster decision-making.

  2. Remote collaboration: With the rise of remote work, communication technology has allowed communicators in the avionics industry to collaborate with colleagues and partners from different locations. This has increased the flexibility of communication and allowed for more efficient teamwork.

  3. Social media and online platforms: Social media and other online platforms have become important tools for communicators in the avionics industry to engage with customers, stakeholders, and the public. These platforms allow for more targeted communication and better feedback loops.

  4. Data analysis and visualization: Technology has also made it easier for communicators in the avionics industry to collect, analyze, and visualize data. This has enabled them to make data-driven decisions and to communicate complex information in a more accessible way.

Advances in multimedia technology have allowed communicators in the avionics industry to create and distribute high-quality content, such as videos and animations, that can better communicate technical concepts to a wider audience.

These are links to examples of big names in the aviation industry demonstrating the use of new media platforms to reach out to a younger crowd of potential talent.

Boeing Instagram Lockheed Martin Boeing Twitter

In summary, technology has transformed the work of communicators in the avionics industry by enabling faster, more flexible, and more targeted communication, as well as by providing new tools for data analysis and visualization, and for creating high-quality multimedia content.

NBAA. (2020, July 6). Connecting With the Next Generation Through Social Media | NBAA - National Business Aviation Association. NBAA - National Business Aviation Association.


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