Analog to Digital: Media Through the Ages

Technological advancements have had a profound impact on how we consume music and movies. Depending on what generation we belong to we all have different experiences with technology. 

Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) grew up during the era of classic rock and roll, Motown, and the emergence of electronic music. They are known to be loyal to their favorite artists and genres, and often attend live concerts and shows. They also enjoy classic movies and are more likely to rent DVDs or Blu-ray discs rather than stream movies online. 

Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) grew up during the rise of MTV and the introduction of compact discs. They are diverse in their musical tastes and often listen to alternative, grunge, and hip-hop music. They also prefer to stream movies and TV shows online rather than renting or buying physical copies. 

Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) grew up during the digital age, and therefore are more likely to stream music and movies on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and Netflix. They have diverse musical tastes and are also interested in discovering new and emerging artists. They are also more likely to watch independent and foreign films, as well as binge-watch TV shows

Lastly, Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) grew up during the era of social media and is often referred to as digital natives. They primarily consume music through streaming platforms like Spotify and YouTube and are more likely to listen to hip-hop, pop, and electronic dance music. They also enjoy watching short-form video content on platforms like TikTok and prefer to watch movies and TV shows on mobile devices.

Here we look at the advancements made in the movie and music industries over time.

Streaming services: With the advent of streaming services like Spotify, Apple Music, Netflix, and Amazon Prime, we can now listen to music and watch movies from anywhere in the world, at any time. Paid digital distribution platforms, most notably iTunes, followed shortly after Napster and revolutionized the monetization of digital downloads. Streaming services like Spotify have more recently revolutionized how people consume music. However, while these platforms now constitute the bulk of music industry sales, revenues still haven’t returned to levels prior to the age of Napster (SUU, 2021). We no longer need to purchase physical copies of music or rent DVDs or Blu-ray discs to watch a movie.

Personalization: Technology has enabled us to personalize our music and movie experiences. With algorithms that recommend songs or movies based on our listening or viewing habits, we can discover new content that we might not have found otherwise.


Accessibility: Digital technology has made music and movies more accessible to people with disabilities. Closed captioning, audio description and other features make it possible for people with hearing or visual impairments to enjoy music and movies. Video streaming is one such industry, with services like Netflix constantly creating and releasing new content. The video game industry is also seeing wild growth, dwarfing all other entertainment industries. Composers, sound designers, audio engineers, and audio programmers are essential in these audiovisual industries, which creates important income opportunities (SUU, 2021).

Social sharing: Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have made it easier for us to share our favorite songs and movies with our friends and followers. We can also discover new music and movies based on what our friends and other people we follow are listening to or watching.


Production and distribution: Technological advancements have made it easier and cheaper for artists to produce and distribute their music and movies. With home recording studios and digital distribution platforms, independent artists can reach a wider audience without the need for a major record label or studio.


SUU. (2021, February 2). The Impact of Technology on the Music Industry - SUU.


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