TTLY My BFF Jill: Social Norms, Technology, and Culture.

Technology has had a significant impact on changing social norms. Social norms refer to unwritten rules of behavior that are widely accepted and followed by individuals in a society. Technological advancements have led to changes in communication, transportation, and access to information, which have influenced the way people interact with each other and their environment.


One way in which technology has changed social norms is by altering the way people communicate

with each other. For example, the widespread use of social media platforms has made it easier for people to connect with others worldwide. This has led to new social norms around how people interact with each other online, such as the use of emojis and abbreviations in text messages and the sharing of personal information on social media. Emojis have become so popular that, in 2015, the face with tears of joy emoji was the word of the year chosen by the Oxford Dictionary. That year, it accounted for nearly one out of every five emoji used. According to Emojipedia, as of June 2018 when the last release of the new emoji was announced, there are 2,823 emoji in use (NDMU, 2019).


Another way in which technology has changed social norms is by altering the way people travel and commute. For example, the rise of ride-sharing services or RSS, like Uber and Lyft has led to changes in social norms around transportation, such as the acceptance of sharing a car with a stranger as a means of getting around. 

As of March 2016, Uber has expanded to 397 cities; in 2014, it was available in fewer than 100 cities. The company has nearly quadrupled its geographic footprint in two years. Frost & Sullivan predicts that Uber will be present in 500 cities by the end of 2016, with a current estimate of eight million users (Nicoll & Armstrong, 2019).

Overall, technology has played a significant role in changing social norms. As new technologies continue to emerge and evolve, social norms will continue to evolve alongside them.


NDMU. (2019, March 6). Emoji and Communication: The Modern-Day Impact | NDMU Online. NDMU Online.

Nicoll, E., & Armstrong, S. (2019, December 18). Ride-sharing: The rise of innovative transportation services - MaRS Discovery District. MaRS Discovery District.


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