
A.I: More Than What Meets The Eye

  This isn't a Will Smith movie anymore. Artificial intelligence has made major moves and one, in particular, has gained quite a bit of traction. ChatGPT.   What is ChatGPT?  ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that allows a user to generate original text. You can ask it questions, give it creative prompts, and  use it to generate  a whole bunch of different stuff—from poems, to songs, to essays, to  short stories  (Ropek, 2023).  ChatGPT is useful because it is a large language model that has been trained on a massive amount of data, allowing it to generate human-like responses to a wide range of questions and prompts. Its training data includes a diverse range of sources, such as books, websites, and other texts, which enables it to understand and respond to a broad range of topics and themes. Additionally, ChatGPT can understand and generate text in multiple languages, making it a versatile tool for communication across cultures and geographies. Its ability to process and

Analog to Digital: Media Through the Ages

Technological advancements have had a profound impact on how we consume music and movies. Depending on what generation we belong to we all have different experiences with technology.  Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) grew up during the era of classic rock and roll, Motown, and the emergence of electronic music. They are known to be loyal to their favorite artists and genres, and often attend live concerts and shows. They also enjoy classic movies and are more likely to rent DVDs or Blu-ray discs rather than stream movies online.  Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980) grew up during the rise of MTV and the introduction of compact discs. They are diverse in their musical tastes and often listen to alternative, grunge, and hip-hop music. They also prefer to stream movies and TV shows online rather than renting or buying physical copies.  Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) grew up during the digital age, and therefore are more likely to stream music and movies on platfor

TTLY My BFF Jill: Social Norms, Technology, and Culture.

Technology has had a significant impact on changing social norms. Social norms refer to unwritten rules of behavior that are widely accepted and followed by individuals in a society. Technological advancements have led to changes in communication, transportation, and access to information, which have influenced the way people interact with each other and their environment.   One way in which technology has changed social norms is by altering the way people communicate with each other. For example, the widespread use of social media platforms has made it easier for people to connect with others worldwide. This has led to new social norms around how people interact with each other online, such as the use of emojis and abbreviations in text messages and the sharing of personal information on social media.  Emojis have become so popular that, in 2015, the face with tears of joy emoji was the word of the year chosen by the Oxford Dictionary. That year, it accounted for nearly one out of ev

The Rise of the Influencers

The rise of influencers refers to the increasing popularity and importance of social media influencers in the world of marketing and advertising. Influencers are individuals who have a large following on social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, and who have the ability to influence the purchasing decisions of their followers.  In recent years, the use of influencers as a marketing strategy has exploded, with brands and businesses partnering with influencers to promote their products or services. Influencer marketing has proven to be an effective way for brands to reach a highly engaged audience, and it has become a multi-billion-dollar industry. In this featured TED Talk, Vishakha Hoisambre highlights the rise of social media influencers. The rise of influencers can be attributed to several factors, including the growth of social media platforms, the decline of traditional advertising methods, and the changing habits of consumers. With the increasing use of ad-blo

New Media Communications & Aviation Industry

Technology has had a significant impact on the work of communicators in the avionics industry. W arnings about aviation’s shrinking cultural footprint come with an important caveat: the youngest generations are increasingly ditching traditional media channels in favor of social media (NBAA, 2020).  The following are some ways in which technology has changed the way communicators work in this industry: Real-time communication: Advances in communication technology have made it easier for communicators in the avionics industry to communicate in real-time with team members and stakeholders. This has increased the speed of communication and allowed for faster decision-making. Remote collaboration: With the rise of remote work, communication technology has allowed communicators in the avionics industry to collaborate with colleagues and partners from different locations. This has increased the flexibility of communication and allowed for more efficient teamwork. Social media and online platf

Covid Communication: The Rise of Virtual Communication

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to remote work and virtual communication. As a result, communicators must be proficient in using virtual communication tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype to conduct meetings, interviews, and other communication activities. This requires training in virtual communication techniques, including camera presence, lighting, and sound quality, as well as the ability to adapt communication strategies to virtual settings. The pandemic has forced many people to work, study, and socialize from home, which has led to a significant increase in the use of virtual communication technologies such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and social media.  There have been calls for increased use of digital technology for teaching, therapy, and medical treatment, with emphasis on increased opportunities for access via technology. For instance, Matt Hancock, the former British Health Secretary, declared that telemedicine should become the norm

Citizen Journalism: Someone is Always Watching

The rise of the internet and smart devices has made big changes to how we get our news. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become the main sources of information but what makes them special is citizen/user-fed information or citizen journalism. Citizen journalism refers to the practice of ordinary people, rather than professional journalists, creating and distributing news content. With the advent of the internet and social media, it has become easier for people to report on events and share their perspectives with a wide audience. What makes someone a citizen journalist? OBSERVING —not participating—at the scene of a community event. ABSTAINING from letting personal views or opinions change the angle of the information. DOCUMENTING legally obtained information in a public space, just like a professional journalist. SHARING that information with their community or with a news organization  (Patel, 2022) One of the main drivers of the rise of citizen journalism is the